Saturday, May 24, 2008


I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT. I hate to cry, I hate to feel pain, and I hate her. I hate her soo much right now. I just won't to crawl into a ball and hide in a dark corner and never come out. I want to cry until I have no more tears left. I want to throw everything I ccan out the window. I want to hit something, anything. I wanna run and run and run until there's no where else to go. I wanna die and never come back. I want the throbbing pain to stop. I want the tears to stop. I want to just shut down. I want it all to stop. Wish the world whould just stop spinning for a mnute. I wanna fall down and down and down, and necer stop falling into the darkness. It seems everyone hates me. When i try sooo hare to make them not. Why? Why am I always the one? The one to cry. The one to fall. The one to run. The one always getting hurt. Maybe I was made to be hated. Or maybe I was not made for anythin at all. I don't deserve this. Even when I do nothing it seems I still get hatred and tears fall. no matter what I do. no matter how much I cry, and hide. WHERE'S THE OFF BUTTON? Lifes getting to hard to handle and I want it to end......NOW. End it now. Right now!!!! Stop hurting me! Leave me alone! I did nothing to you so go away. Please.

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