Monday, May 26, 2008


Love means never having to say your sorry. It means no matter what you still care for that person past their flaws, and anything. I love a lot of people, or a little, however you want to look at it, and they couldn't do anything that would make me love them any less. Though I have to say love makes people do some really stupid things, act like tards and blinds those who see with their heart. Anyway when you say "I love you" it's like a contract signed stating you'll care for that person till the world allows you not to. Long ago the word love was one of those things that you don't say till your sure. I guess a sacride word that was not just handed out like cupons like how we use them today. More like freak-o halmark cards. Love makes people do things, bad things, things they wouldn't usually do and some things that hurt the ones they love. Hate it or love it love is just one of those things you have to deal with.

Peace out XOXO's,

ps.......Thank you Cat I guess you're right.
pss......2 new additions to the daily blog. One "What I wrote." a section wear i tell you all the amazing things i write on my arm. Pretty random. And 2 poetry, songs, or random qoute's. Either regular or simiregular.
psss........The commenting problem has been fixed. Soooo sorry about that. Please recomment or comment.