It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. It was better, for those who knew her, to have know, loved, and lost her than to have not known her at all. All the stuff that happened this week, all the tears shed, all the things said, all of it was just.......undescribable. The feeling of morn around everyone and knowing you can't fell their pain. I felt like maybe a tenth of what they are feeling. I never had a chance to know her so I couldn't really feel their pain. I could only watch another person cry, another person fall, another person feel pain in their heart. And do nothing. Why did it have to happen. I don't know. Why is one question everyone has, and will have untill we join Shcrissony up with God and all his angels cause hearing what everyone said I know thats where she went. The balloon ceremony was bueatiful and I'm glad I got to be part of that but hopes nobody has to go through that anytime soon. Ps....if you find or see a balloon floating around remember her and don't forget to pray.
Rest in peace,
Ps......Arm qoute one, If I died today, you better miss me, covered up by Rest in Peace Schrissony.
if there was ever a time to cry
this would be the day
if there was ever a time to pray
ever a time to thank god for what you had or have
this would be the day
if there was ever a time to sing
ever a time to think
this would be the day
and everyday and anyday
this could happen
so live longer, laugh louder, love everyone
cause one day
ir may be the day